Sunday 13 July 2014

Apur Sansar final scene and Gregory Nava's My Family

Generally many Indian films suffer from allegations of plagiarism. However I recently I came across a film by American director Gregory Nava where strains of Satyajit Ray's Apur Sansar final scene is evident. Ray's Apur Sansar finale has a sequence of father-son union where the father Apu (Saumitra Chatterjee) carries his son Kajal on his shoulders and walks away. Gregory Nava's film My Family has a similar kind of scene where the father finally unites with the young son. Though culturally disparate and set in different continents, I found the similarity between the two uncanny. May be emotions of paternity is universal.

First observe the Ray film Apur Sansar final scene from 1:41: 00 till the end.

Then observe Greogry Nava's My family from 4:35:00 to 4:39:00

Got the similarity between father and son in these two films in the time points I mentioned ?

I am thankful to the unknown author in Wikipedia who pointed this out in Satyajit Ray's biography. I did a little search in Youtube and got this. Now the readers should tell if I am right or wrong.

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